Borns in Genoa in '82 growing up in a small town near Potenza - Basilicata - won a scholarship to the academy of songwriters of Mogol, - in Umbria - and from here, after winning another selection for Sanremo.
Arisa wins Sanremo young last year, in 2009.
2009 is the year of Arisa: the success of Sanremo "Sincerità" (Sincerity) is 'pushed' from the Italian radio and sales charts to see it first in Italy with the album 'Sincerità'.
Arisa's songs are very 'easy' for the melody and on the texts, speaks about love and humors, but I think that girl will make more of 'commercial music' in her future.
Arisa will partecipate in Sanremo 2010 with the song "Ma l'amore no" (But love doesn't)