After went in Rome only 16 years old starts to play dance and sing in important italian theatre and television programs
In that place Loredana Berté knows Renato Zero, He will move with the first steps in dance, theater music and will always remain friends.
His eventful life has always been in the spotlight, was launched as 'sexy star' in '74 but was immediately censored.
The first big success of Loredana Bertè is the song 'Sei bellissima' ('Re beautiful) , 1975.
In 1979 with 'Mare d'inverno' just to '5, when married with Bijorn Borg, Loredana bertè has many many success, but her carroier stop because Borg - and his family - doens't want to have a show girl as hausband...
When Borg leave her Loredana soffer very much and starts her psicological problems, not too big, but sufficent to make damnts to her carreer.
Loredana bertè still one of most big italian artists; not only for her voice; s 'madonna' Loredana bertè capaled to make a personage of herself...
'I make the fashon, I don't follow it', it's one her thinks., for example, in Italy, for many years 'paparazzi' and scandal revues sell out many copies thanks Loredana Berté...
After many year italian pubblic didn't seen her, when in 2004 partecipates in a little reality tv-show is loredana the thrut star - also if there are singers and groups as 'Ricchi e Poveri'....E qui la fine del post.